Help with choosing /6 build type for newbie

HAHA thats no sleeper. Thats like a well dressed women you can tell they got the heat but are covered modestly with good lines . Nice ride Bill. I will take your advice. Just saw your info on other threads trying to avoid headaches. I just want everything under the hood no cleavage just the rumble of rumors. I enjoy the factory look

Almost anything worth building takes time and you two are almost there. Cant wait to see a video of that six on the strip. I cant weld and fab as good as my dad so the mock up will take several mistakes to get right.

Thanks 6pakattack. I have come to the resultion of one wild and one mild so differant setups are good to hear. The TBI and multiport thing is driving mad.. Hard to find dirrect answers from companies on multiport. TBI seems half the price of the Multi but i have read that TBI is a dying tech however it seems alot are still bieng made??
I am putting a carb on my 72 for the more mild setup.