Joe's Garage

As usual your attention to detail and thought out for a strong long lasting work bench is well on it's way Joe, I take it you are off call now that Monday is here
You have a great place there for your 4 wheel drive friends and Motorcycle friend to hang out and fine tune your rides
Did you get the fence the high wind took out repaired ? That sure was some bad weather you all had over there.

Thank you very much Mike. The way I look at is that it needs to last the rest of my life. Still on call, but I got left alone tonight, so I just got done finishing up the framing (pics to come later).

Since I'm on call, I can't risk mixing up concrete, but I plan on getting the fence done this coming weekend. Yeah buddy, that weather sucked. Winter 'aint over yet here but it's supposed to be real nice out this weekend.

Yeah, I can't wait to have this done so I can start putting some stuff away and have a "Garage is Half Done party, lol.

Wow, looking good Joe!! I see you left a nice clean spot on the wall above for your new PSC poster. :-D LMAO

Keep up the great work!

Roger that Leanna! It's going above the tall section so my friends can't reach it, lol.

One problem I see Joe. If you make the bench level, then how will the ball bearings and bolts roll off without you seeing them? Where's the challenge in that?


Isn't that the truth, lol! :cheers: