Help with choosing /6 build type for newbie

Thanks Dan I see alot of people using original belts and while it seems fine easpecially in a full factory restoration. I am a climber and the webbing for anchors should not be used after several years especially when exposed to uv. I do believe in saftey and 3 points of contact at the minimal. So dying the old factory belts where out of the question. Its funny you posted that becuase its been on my mind and was an info search for me tonight. I have somone doing the interiors seeing the foam needs replaced as well as vinyl (and thats out of my comfort zone and time). Currently i have the bench setup in both and will probably stay with it. Thanks for the info i really appreciate your time and knowledge. So off to search those links. Need to get them in before headliner. I am sure i will find out in search if i will have to relocate any anchor points; however if i dont any tips especially with the Sebring set up. Thanks