muffler and brake shop

There was a guy who opened a muffler shop in a great location near me. He told me the lease was 3K per month. His one man show failed. Meanwhile there's another muffler shop about 8 miles away in a much older building, too close to the widened road. It is run by mexicans. Work in both bays every time I've drove by there.
Same applies to the tire business. Drive by a nice tire store and see 4 of 5 bays empty. On the next corner there's a guy with a tent and a floor jack installing used tires who is always busy.
So make 100 dollars each off 4 customers or 20 each off 20 customres, the big difference is how you feel at the end of the day. That's my take on it anyway. Good luck

The mexicans and the guy in the tent arent doing anything good for anybody including themselves. But I do get your point. We have this in the electrical biz. Guys like me follow all the rules and because of that, charge 90 per.. Contrary to popular belief its not easy money or high profit. Following the rules costs plenty. Then there are the clowns that ruin it for everybody. They dont follow the rules. As a result they charge 65 per. Half way through the job they realize they cant get it done for the price they quoted, they hurry and cut corners or employ hacks that hurry and cut corners. The job gets poorly done if it gets done at all. the customer loses, the hack didnt make any money, and I didnt get the job. So your right at the end of the all you may have is how you feel about it all.