What are your favorite/most interesting sayings, aphorisms, metaphors, similes,etc.

I have a VERY beat - to- sh$$ grandfather to this Makital hammer drill. I bought it "pre beat," used. It had no front grip, so I welded a piece of pipe to a muffler clamp. It was NO thing of beauty

I used to ask people to "please avert your eyes while I unsheath the world's ugliest hammer drill."

A few of them got the joke

"This job is more damn fun that a great big barrel of really ugly monkeys."

"For a small phenomenal fee......"

Our old 2" PVC pipe cutter..............

"Hand me Lorena, will ya?" (You know, lorena bobbitt, who did surgery on her husband?)

Other person, "standard greeting" "Hi, howarya?"

ME "Do I have to tell the truth?"

IF no, I say, in obvious humorous scarcasm, "GREAT, GREAT, everything is GREAT, could not possibly be better!!!"

If yes, I gently tell them "you don't have TIME for the truth"

"Hi, I'm looking for those coffee mugs that say "Worlds Greatest Dad" in case I have some kids I don't know about."