!!!Drag Week 2012 Dates and Tracks!!!

Dj, have you ever been in a car as quick as what you plan to run this summer? Whats fastest you've ran? 6-7 sec gonna feel like you were shot out of a cannon compared to what must of us can run,,,woohoo!!!

I hope to make it down to Drag week where ever it is in next couple of years, even if only to spectate. I'm definately looking forward to seeing all the video and pics while this year is going on via the web.

Please have your family and friends take video and youtube it and hook us up with links daily :D. Best of luck dethroning that Cheby


The fastest i have ever been was 9.50's in a 72 Colt. Short wheel base, a little wild going down the track, but it was fun. My Duster should be a better ride. 110 wheel base and a 25.2 spec chassis with good suspension parts. I know it is a learning curve but I'm not scared. Built this car for one reason, and it is to go Really Fracken Fast. i'll be making some hit in May. I'll post some vids as I get them.