Gas Price Rant

Speculators..;plain and simple, and the F'n Iranians that are sable rattling about the straight of Hormuz..Now my president is doing nothing to help the cause of gas exploration. No Keystone pipeline, no fracture drilling on public land (They are gangbusters on private land on the Dakotas!) and a moretoreum on deep water drilling or any drilling offshore for that matter. We are actively helping Brazil and Mexico drill in the gulf, but whos gonna get that gas at what price? Jeez we got China drilling closer to our shores than we are! Now if legislation gets passed on speculators to minimize their effect on the price of gas, that is a good thing. If we elect a cabinet that actively pushes for domestic drilling and Keystone as well as NG production and infrastructure that would support NG powered cars, the price of gas would drop 1.50 overnight. Look what happened when past presidents opened up the Strategic oil reserve...Gas went down 50 cents overnight just on the speculators having to dump their shares knowing the gas they "got" is not worth what they thought it and was and they had to dump it fast, and that is a gas glut and that is what drives the price down. Yes, domestic oil wont turn to domestic gas overnight, but the fact that the speculators know there is going to be cheap oil on the horizon makes them not artificially inflate the price. And big oil isnt the bad guy here, its the brokers. Big oil makes some of the slimmest margins of any produced commodity, its their volume that makes them appear to be raping us. You wanna see fat margins? Look at "Big Pharma" and healthcare..crazy 8 buck asprin? Ugh..look at my favorite.."Big Solar" ..what a crock, they are subsidized to the hilt by our administration and dont turn dime one profit for anyone but the first few guys that set it up, the construction company that builds the facility and the manufacturers of the tooling. Then they go you realize that every Voll bought cost the US taxpayer 225,000 dollers? Take the total grant given to GM and devide it by the amopunt of Volts sold...its crazy and they just shut the production line fown for 5 weeks one is buying them! Take away the 2500 that were "bought" by the administration and the price goes exponentially higher. Ugh...I drive a CNG van, 2.88 a unit of fuel that "approxiomates the power of 1 gallon of gasoline" Whatever man, its super cheap to fill up comparatively, has about 120 octane so you can run those old TRW 13:1 340 pistons you got in the attic and the car starts on the first kick..and we have about a trillion cubic feet of NG or about 120 years of current consumption rate right under our feet. We are the Middle East of natural gas and our untapped reserves put OPEC to shame. Out...