Gas Price Rant

we are still at 3.38 for premium here in CO springs. it is supposed to get bad later this year.

Well this moron flatly stated he wanted to force all the coal mines out of business, what do you think the electric plants run on. He shut off the plans to build a pipeline from Canada (more potential jobs lost). Colorado and Wyoming have a direct underground pipeline to Canada. That's why our gas prices will not go over $3.50/gallon this year according to our Governor and AAA.Last time I filled up it was $3.15. He won't be happy till every car has a solar panel on the roof. Hybrid cars......why do people think it's cheap and clean. When you plug it in the electricity comes from a coal burning power plant. The simple fact is a regular car cost a lot less to operate and a hybrid car. While I'm on a roll we need to drill ANWR and quit sending all our money overs