Wanted: 8-track tapes

Haha, yes I know what an 8 track is. I'm a little bit of an old soul I guess. Maybe that's why I drive a 45 year old car. I believe 45 and 78 refers to the RPM the record spun at on the turntable? The 45s were smaller, right? I never owned any of them, but I know what they were/are.
You are right on the rpm's L.P's or long plays are 33 rpm's, 45's are the small ones that usually had a single on each side that were used in jukeboxes and then 78's that if I remember right came in a couple different sizes and had a wider groove than the others. I have 4 Peaches record crates full of albums I still listen to. I just picked up another Micro Seiki turntable. Albums just sound richer than CD/digital IMHO. Damn I guess I just gave away my age. Old enough to be an expert on 33's and 45's but not old enough to remember 78's. lol