What degree Thermostat?

A thermostat that is used in automobiles uses an internal combustion engine to regulate the flow of the coolant. When the thermostat is open, the coolant passes through the cylinder head where it looses the heat the air that flows through it. A water pump that is driven from the engine will propel the coolant around the system. When the thermostat is closed the flow is then prevented and the engine is then allowed to heat up to its optimum temperature. The thermostat is constantly opening and closing during operation to maintain the normal operating temperature of the engine. if an engine has a 180* thermostat, once the engine coolant has reached 180* inside the block, the thermostat opens to let cool water in to keep the engine in the 180* range. once the engine has cooled to below 180*, the thermostat closes to get the temperature back up to 180*. a thermostat is continually opening and closing to maintain temperatures in the 180* range. same goes with any 160* 170* 195* .a thermostat has every thing to do with how hot or cool an engine runs. the radiator and fan are the parts that do all cooling so when the thermostat opens, it has cool water to let in the engine.