Gas Price Rant

You Europeans (and Brits) are much better positioned for an oil crisis than the U.S., due to your government's directing your automobile choices and your compact countries. The U.S. could be brought to its knees by an oil crisis, with most people living in distant suburbs that have no mass transit. We have only ourselves to blame. I have always tried to live more in-town, having lived thru multiple gulf oil crises. I doubt we will have riots since suburbanites won't be able to drive downtown to rally. They will just sit in their homes, fired from their jobs because too fat to bike to work, trying to shoot squirrels for food, and clinging to their guns and bibles while the President smiles smugly :glasses7:. If it goes on long enough, they will have to combine their meager savings to pay millions for in-town homes from the minorities and liberals they despise, while their distant suburbs rot. Or maybe they could all buy a >40 mpg car.

On the other side of the pond, the German Greens will have to drop their plans to shut down all their nuke plants. We will have enough problems in CA if PG&E doesn't fix the San Onofre NGS steam generators before summer.