Gas Price Rant

I am always amazed how so many self-declared "conservatives" start talking like communists when it comes to gasoline supply and prices. Terms like "our gas", "we export it", "we should drill more". Who are these "us" and "we"? Do you think the federal government determines how private companies buy and sell products on the world market, or do you think they should? Do you expect the government to get into the oil drilling business? Do you think allowing drilling on all U.S. lands, and thus increasing world supply maybe 2% will lower world gas prices? Should the government effectively subsidize oil prices like they did in the 1960's and 70's thru taxes? And most scary, do you expect the government to release our strategic petroleum reserves that are meant for wartime needs to temporarily lower your gas price?

A true conservative takes responsibility for their own actions. If you buy an A-body with a slant six engine, install a 440 with mega-thumper cam that idles like *** with gross pollution, don't whine that you get poor mileage and somebody should subsidize the problem you made for yourself. Just a thought.

I won't pretend to be the expert on the issue and, I do agree we have seen people who espouse conservative credentials promoting socialist ideas on the issue however...

I do know that the oil market is by no means operating in accordance with free market principles. OPEC's control is not an example of the free market. Heavy duty tax on oil is not free market. Government control over who drills when and where is not free market. Major military expenditure in order to ensure safe passage for oil is not free market.

The fact is, government is heavily involved in determining what we pay for fuel. I don't know what the price should be. If I thought it was being determined fairly in a free market I would not complain. I will complain when leftist politicians interfere with the free market and use my tax dollars wastefully to promote an alternative energy agenda.

I will also complain when I see politicians trying to transform this country into the european socialist quagmire that needs even more extreme fuel taxes to feed the bottomless pit of their thieving nanny state ideology which leads to economic ruin.