Gas Price Rant

Speculators??? not so fast...

Mr O said early on, we need gas prices higher in order to promote alternative energy.

Mr O's energy minister (Chu) said in the past 8 dollar gas like Europe would be good, and recently said the administration is content with high gas prices. Then a few days later did a phony backpedal.

Well Mr O got what he wanted. He could but will not rein in the speculators.

Face it, he is a far left idealogue imposing his will.

You're are correct. Chu has made various comments regarding his desire to see our gas prices on par with those in Europe.
The "agenda" is to not only promote alternative energy sources, (which needs to be done, but has not yet been developed to the point of practicality), but also to make the V8 and V6 internal combustion engine distasteful to Americans, by keeping the cost of gas at an uncomfortable level, if not completely obsolete. Judging by the posts here, many of us are feeling the pinch already. I don't think gas prices have topped out, yet, and I doubt they will dip below $3.00 a gallon, any time soon, if at all.

We've already seen the administration openly attack the Coal industry, refuse to allow domestic drilling, refuse to allow the Keystone pipeline.
Under this president, leases for drilling on public property have been cut by 50%, permits for drilling on private land have been cut by 65%, the moratorium against drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is still being enforced. He has refused access to ANWR, flatly. We are funding Brazil to develop their own oil industry so that we can buy from them.

In his speech a few days ago, the President actually took credit for the Domestic drilling on private property that we presently undertaking. A little bit of research time will show you that the vast majority of the permits under which this drilling is taking place were authorized by the Bush administration, not the present one, though it didn't seem to stop Obama from taking credit for it.

Further, I understand that we could expect another "Cash for clunkers" bill soon. Another effort to take the larger engines out of the hands of the public, and disguising it as a stimulus package.

"Incrementalism" in a form that the average Joe doesn't question.

The Obama supporters will attack me for stating this, while at the same time the administration is complicit in attacking you through your wallet, for their purposes.