Non car people and their crazy fuel saving ideas.

My favorite is all the yokels who drive around with their tailgates down, then leave the truck idling when they go into the quicky mart.

I have found that trying to save money on gas makes people bad at math.

Well, I think this exhaust system/programmer/turbolater is going to save me some gas money....

Exhaust system = $500.00
Mpg before/after = 14/15
Gas = $4.00 per gallon
Cost per mile before .29 cents
Cost per mile after .26
Difference per mile .03
Miles to drive to *break even* on gas saving purchase...16,666

Or, I"m going to buy a harley to ride around to save on gas money....

I've wondered about that. Does dropping the tailgate really help. I know around town it probably doesn't but at highway speeds it kinda makes sense. Anyone here ever done a mileage comparison?