4 barrel carb questions

The throttle linkage problem is easily solved. Just get a gas pedal and throttle cable from a 67 and up A body. I think I have extras. If I can scrounge them up you can have them for shipping because the last set was given to me so the least I can do is pay it forward. Installation is real easy. A blind man could see how. As far as the carburetor itself, adding a 4 barrel to a stock slant will probably put the fire out. You need a good intake (Clifford or Offenhauser) and larger exhaust pipe. Also, milling the head for more compression is highly recommended. I like the Thermoquad. Its small primaries lend it wel to a variety of applications. Being a vacuum secondary carburetor, they only flow what the engine demands, so as long as the primaries are not too rich (and they never are) you'll be fine.