Thinking of going to E85 on the Dart

The guy helping me with my motor and tranny install is a good friend and is the crew chief on a race team. He has a friend locally who does this with great results. They actually have one of the race cars set up for it. It would be tuned and timed at the same time, so I am not concerned about having to send carbs out or not being able to get help if I run into problems. The really good info I am getting is about the quality of the fuel. That is very interesting. I don't run this car in the winter, where I understand the worst E85 fluctuations happen, but whenever it happens it could be an issue. I like the price and availability of high octane fuel. Race gas is not available easily and is expensive. If I ran a mix, I would need to buy a portable tank and pump, and I would use so much on a regular drive that it would almost be cost prohibitive. Good info here. I'm going to think long and hard on this. Thanks, guys!