Best way to clean calcium build up out of a radiator??

Toyota forum used pool acid, lay it on its back, pool acid in, wait a few and dump it in some dirt, not on your driveway. Dont know if it works or not, any chemists here? I like that tub and sink jelly but we probably cant get it out here in CA. (you know, because it WORKS!)

Well, I am a chemist. Pool acid is hydrochloric acid. It is a strong acid and reacts quickly to dissolve the calcium carbonate. It will also dissolve copper and could damage the radiator if it is left inside for too long. Disposal of hydrochloric acid is a problem. That is why I did not recommend its use in my previous reply.

Vinegar is acetic acid and is called a "weak" acid. It reacts more slowly than pool acid and will dissolve the calcium carbonate without aggressively attacking the copper. It will also rinse clean with less water than hydrochloric acid and it can be disposed of in the sewer system.