my PST Strud rod Bushing Fell off the car! *PICS*

As a business owner I see two things wrong with all of this.

1. If it were my bushings, I would have just asked for new ones and paid the money because I know I would get laughed at about the warranty question.

2. I would never throw out a record of a sale transaction.......cover your *** at all costs regardless of how many filing cabinets you have to purchase.
Craigslist has them cheap all day long.
Third company that sells Mopar stuff that I found out does not keep sales records for a certain period of time....why is this?
I get bad vibes from companies that don't keep sales records.?...maybe I'm just weird like that.

Lastly......good I need to go look at my bushings and see of I need to kick myself in the balls or not.