Alsa Stretch Chrome vs Innate Chrome Paint

well guys I got myself a sample of Alsa's NEW Stretch Chrome film and it looks like Alsa used their best chrome paint(Mirra Chrome) instead of their Spray On Chrome Fx chemicals(which I will be testing in another thread) I kinda had this feeling so I went ahead and bought a Innate Chrome Paint kit also(with their own protective clear) and I will be testing it against alsa's best.

the Contenders first face off..:cool:

Innate Chrome Paint and protective clear

Alsa Stretch Chrome film

I'm not new to chrome painting, I have been playing with Chrome Paint and Spray on Chrome for a few years now, below spoons where painted years ago with a chinese brand rattle can chrome paint.(to practice my technique)

both of these chrome paints will be tested with a protective clear coat as Alsa's Stretch Chrome comes already sealed wit their clear..