Tot-sized helper...who has one?

I don't think I have a picture of my 7 yr. old son Ian helping in the garage, but I can tell you he is always there helping on anything he can. He has gone into the depth's of the crawlspace to run wire for me, changed the oil in Nella's van with me (to learn how to do it on his mini-bike), helped on every Mopar project he can and has worked on countless construction projects at our favorite music festival site. He has also been to the WPC/GLR swap meet with me the past couple years, selling parts and schmoozing the customers, just like Dad!! Heck, he made $50.00 this past year putting the hard press on buyers. I put him on the emblems because he likes them so much, but he could sell a cow a pile of cowsheet!!

Here's a couple pics of him, driving the golfcart with the property manager of the Wheatland Festival site, going from job to job doing whatever he was asked to do, and more!! I love that kid, he's the best helper and son a Dad could have!! Geof