advance springs?

Thanks for the advice dgc333. When you say one of the MP springs mated to the lighter of the 2 stock springs. Which MP springs are you referring to? And does that mean the light stock spring takes the position of the heavier stock spring, And the MP spring takes the place of the light stock spring?
Thanks again for all your help...

The only MP part numbered kit I am aware of has two very light springs in it and runs about $10. This is the one I am refering to. The other kit with a bunch of springs is actually a Mallory part number and it comes with a number of differnt springs and spacers used to set the total mechanical advance. It has a nice set of instructions with charts showing the advance curve with different spring combinations.

With this kit you decide on what you want for intial timing and total timing take the difference and use the nearest (come in 2 degree increments) spacer and set the stops and you are done. Then look at the charts for the curve you want and install the springs for that curve and you are done. Saves a huge amount of time over welding/filing slots and trying generic springs.