1971 Duster 340 ground up pictures

Stillhoping you have some descent front grill upper and lower trim pieces. ;-)
I counted 11 plane grilles here a three ST's And found a box of about 30 grille trims upper and lowers maybe more I didn't count them. Just moving the box I saw some weren't perfect, But some were .

Whenever I get a grille now with nice trim I hang the grille up I have the wall room now. Years ago I woud strip the trim off and put it in a box for safe keeping. In moving 3 times in 30 years I broke alot of grilles But who cared then. But I found the Box of trim.

I believe The trim is in a New Sharkstooth grille box from 30 + yrs ago.Its almost full. I will let you know when I get to make 2 perfect grilles for my Dusters. Then I will know whats left.

If I sell any now I'll need one then you know how that goes. Probably why I am going through thing's. I showed in some pics the parts I have been going through. This place is a mess. I had the son upstairs in the attic. counting up bucket seats and back seats I got My covers and buns from Dantes and I need to get them to my friend to put on. While he was up there he bump a heater box and antifreeze came through the floor.

I told him and Jose to bring all the heater boxes down. Well there was 16 . I had no idea that there was that many up there. Or I would have had them take a bucket up there and empty them out. And I won't let Hose take them back up he pu scratches in the geting them down. Now I gotta deal with This. I put some in the shed with some work and the rest in one of the parts trailer which you can barely get in. I need better help. someone that likes a-bodies not fast & furry cars.

Oh yeah while I'm complaining. They broke a ralley dash bezel I had laying in the back room getting the hose out to wash the Omni. lucky it was a cut 67 or they wouldn't be eating this week. And I do't mean short on cash. I mean Apple sause for awhile. I didn't say I saw it they layed it back down with the piece looking like its attached. I am going to ask them to move them tonight and we'll see who don't pick that one up.

Well didn't get any thing done on the car . but tonight the block gets cleaned and honed I am putting new rings and bearings in . Its a standard bore with factory pistons I am leaving it standard to give it a future for someone. Whats funny is the crank and rods were .010 under. Car had 42K and the bores are perfect. It Had a home made depp pan on it though seen in pics coming out. It is the numbers matching motor.

Here are some pics of a RR I did when I was 28 30 yrs ago. Check out the parts trays. I think I still have and just saw parts in them somewhere on the patch.