I have a question for everyone

How about this . My Duster pictured below was a Bahama yellow 340 auto with matching numbers . Its now a indy headed race motor with a resto block and a 727 out of a van with work, The rear is minnitubbed the frame is tied and it is caged. And to top it off its painted 83 ford cobra orange.

I was sitting behind my car at a show and I heard guys from mopar madness discussing my car . said was " What an asshole this is a bahama yellow v24 car he ruined a nice car ". Hey Thats life everyone has a right to foam. the year before I did a rolling 100 plus foot john force burnout. and did the samething on the air strip at a show where it said no spinning tires on runway. Really all this motor I am facing a straight away so long The end was a blurr in the distance , I could not help my self. They didn't throw me out but the didn't let me partisipate and they parked me on the runway. The pic below

Well when I was leaving Becky's this year I saw the big mouth that said I ruined a nice car . He was running for the road to see me leave and he tripped and fell in the creek. That made my day. He almost broke his neck to see a car he didn't like. I enjoy my car and I use the motor . That numbers matching 340-7 block would be scattered. I sold it and don't really care. I do what I want. Sometimes I like to get others opinions to see if there are others that think like me. There is but not alot with mopars. I built my mouse to tame a Barton Elephant I know .But now Its time to build a bionic elephant. You can do what ever you want to a car in the mopar world as long as its a hemi when its done . The numbers don't matter at all on Hemi cars. If My car had a Hemi no one would care what I did with it. I could have a 4 dr dart title on a barracuda. Yup Hemi's make it all legal. Felons all of a sudden become national Hero's. I'm going Hemi and thats it. No more BS from the assholes.

Its HEMI or get busted

This is a perfect example of what we're talking about. I agree with everything you said, and about the Hemi part of it especially. Only one thing to add, is that if it was a slant 6 car originally, and you modify it to your tastes, everyone loves you too. (Except the slant 6 guys!)
You can't win.
But everyone claps and cheers when they see a car that was turned into a race car when new and modified then, because it's a piece of mopar history, paint color scheme and all.......
A lot of people don't realize that back in the day, these cars were the basis for modification, and sold that way and were expected to be modified.
Chrysler for the most part didn't care what you did with the car, as long as it sold and put money into their pockets. (and direct connection's.)
BTW, i love what you did to your car, and it looks great to me......
Here's an old saying.
''It takes a man to restore a car, but it takes a real man to cut one up and modify it.''