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In the past I often got away with running a much larger carburetor with good results than that commonly suggested. Maybe a lot of my combinations were oddball, but I do remember more than one car slowing down noticeably when I tried a smaller but "recommended" size.
Good low speed or part throttle mixture velocity has to be balanced with the maximum airflow needed to produce the best power. Car weight, engine size, stroke length, gearing, weight and size of the clutch/flywheel, surface you run on, how well you tune what you've got, and God knows what else plays a part. Sometimes what is "recommended" isn't what the car wants and does best with.
With no choke it can (and probably will) be a pain on the street, but it sounds like you're mainly drag racing, anyway.
Just do us all a favor, take the time to check your grammar, and spell check. Most importantly, capitalize when needed and USE punctuation. You'll find people are far more likely to respond and help with advise and encouragement.