My father helped me 10 years after he Passed.

Your dad gave you some helpful advice. Beware, many credit card companies offer similar "insurance" it is not a good deal, it only makes the minimum payment while disabled and costs a fortune. A true suckers bet.

The type of disability insurance you have sounds like a real insurance policy that has helped your family immensely.

What I have is disability insurance. This is a policy like life insurance except it guarantees your income should you become disabled. Got the policy on the advice of a good family friend who had one, and had to take disability at 50. He was quite well off and was able to maintain his standard of living up until he died at 59, wife is now well cared for because of his excellent estate planning.

Also my brother broke his neck at 30 and had to live off Social Security for the rest of his life. Social Security was a godsend, but he and his family basically lived near poverty, without it they'd have been on the street. Anytime you hear of someone who wants to "privatize" Social Security the first two questions you should ask are, "What happens if I should become disabled? What is the death benefit for my kids?"

Hope you get back on your feet soon,


Joe Dokes