Ok, What have I done now... (904 problem?)

i am using the valvoline straight out of the bottle and its not mixed with any other fluid. my trans is completely full with this only.

i am by no means recommending it. i dont know what brand DS360 is using, im only showing what i am using and the stuff is working great for me and it IS working and has been everyday for the last 2 1/2 years. i daily drive this car 35 miles a day ,5 days a week, and my trans loves this stuff. i honestly dont believe that his trans fluid is the problem. i could be wrong, and i will be the first to admit it if i am.

Well, if you ask my wife, she'll tell you I'm never wrong. O:) I think fluid level is the issue the more I think of it. Fluid could be and I would start there, but ...

DartSport360, did you change the dipstick as well? If not, how can we be sure what is accurate?