Any Bigfoot believers out there?

Well well well, I looks like we have us some un believers now dont it? Call em what ya will, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Big hairy beast........same thing. And everyone wonders where they came from....well let me help ya out with that one. Sure they eat fish and hangout in the mountain streams catching fish for dinner. I've seen it myself and see no reason someone would put a baldface lie smack dab in the middle of my living room on the big tube. Consider this. Ever hear of Paul Bunyan? Now your getting my drift. Big guy huh? Well when little Paul was small his mama was always telling him not to do the big nasty with the little girls in the forest where they lived. Well like most young fellers, dont even deny it guys, Paul wouldn't leave the little girls alone so the enevitable would happen, more than once i might add. The little girls had little babies and of course they couldnt take em home so they left em in the woods in a tree lookin hideout that Paul built, only to grow up and become....yep, you got it. Big Hairy Beasts. Suprised you guys really never though about this bit of history in more depth than you previously have. You boys need to do more thinking on your own now dont ya?
Small Block