Ported Slant 6 head

a waste is trying to make every slant car a turbo car... which is the exact reason i'll never build a turbo six... ...

Did I suggest that Rob needs to put a turbo on his car?
If I did, I don't remember doing that.
Can you show me where I did it???

Additionalty, where is the logic in : "a waste is trying to make every slant car a turbo car... which is the exact reason i'll never build a turbo six.???"

I truly don't understand your thinking on this. Why would you shoot yourself in the foot (to the tune of about three seconds-worth of E.T.) just because somebody else built their car with the same equipment on it?

It's not like you have a '69 Camaro and need some way to give it some individuality. I can count on my fingers all the turbocharged slant sixes I have ever heard about.... spread across 48 states...
There's no "horde" of these cars.... they'll always be scarce.

I fail to see the reason for depriving yourself of a bonafide performance advantage based on what OTHERS do.

Explain that, if you can...