New Guy in Ventura County, SoCal

Thanks for the welcome.

I live in Newbury Park, so not too far from you autoxcuda.

I will/have been checking prices on parts so I don't get taken.

When you mention getting there at 7am, is that for the $20 field place, or the regular $5 parking. Is it better to pay the $20 and park in the show n shine area?

I definitely see myself sticking around here, and again, thanks for the welcome.

Yes it's $20 for the fun/show field to show your car with all the others. That is right next to the swap (the best parking). I would go in the show field and post a want list of parts on your windshield. People are more willing to help you with parts when they can see you actually have a car and not trying to resell/flip them. There will be lots of other forabodiesonly members bringing their cars too.

And it's a car you just bought and been waiting to get. Why not show it off?

The fun/show field gate opens after 8am. But you should get there earlier to get in line. BUT you have to stay parked in your spot untill 1pm per park rules. So if you can't do that, don't go in the fun/show field.