Still laughing...gotta share

@slantsixdan... I had a simular thing happend to me. After revving he was watching me so I built up my rev's and lurched a foot which made him think I was going for it. I watched as he hit it and slowly (slowly in my opinion not his) streaked across the light (it was still red and I had already seen the squad car parked there), the officer got eye contact with me and shook his head and took after Mr Ricer.

In the same area not too long after that a fart tubed ricer thought he was going to gutter sneak me. So I built up the revs, he's watching me closely, and I lurched forward a little bit and slammed on the brakes. Mr Ricer ran the red light and realized that a big rig was coming.... he put his rice mobile almost on its nose (big rig horn is blasting) and came within inches of getting creamed. I'm sure he had to change his shorts after the attempted gutter sneak.