Left hand out of action.......Respect the tools..Im a ***

omg... I REALLY hate when that happens!
Hope they numbed em up good before pulling that puppy out.

I remember a few years ago I was cutting carpet for my boat-forming a side panel. It was the end of the day and I'd been at it since the am and havin a few beers as I enjoyed the So Fla sun.
Anyway- got to a seam where the blade wasnt cutting thru the material. I ran out of blades for my razor knife so I was just using 1 sided razor blade to finish up the last hour. Holding on the sides of the blade- I tried to cut... nothing. Tried again- nothing. So I get frustrated and put my finger on top of the blade and pushed hard as I cut...

It was then that I realized I had the blade upside down and was trying to cut with the wrong end. Needless to say I pushed that sharp razor right thru my finger all the way to the bone!!! Didnt really feel anything... but a sharp pinch and she bled pretty good as I turned my hand over to see what happened (duh).
The Dr did compliment me on a strait cut as he stitched me up... lol

I make sure I have plenty of refills for my razor knife now.