Edelbrock Air Gap on Magnum 318 Problems

Make sure your accelerator pump from the primaries as immediately squirting fuel. If this adjustment is not correct you will lean it out from a split second or two until it does pump fuel out. It's an easy check even with out the engine running, grab the throttle lever look down into the carbs primaries and slowly move it like you would if you were driving. the tiniest move you should see gas immediately! if not you need to adjust the pump set screw "usually by reversing the nut" and try again. You can do this with engine running as well and make adjustments to it that way you can tell if it is improving or not. If this doe not make any improvements you might want to look and the accel/pump cam the actuates the accel pump. I have found for street use the ones that came on the carb from Holley work the best only change this out if you are running big cams and such. Hopefully this makes sense.