First Mopar- '76 Duster

So my trip home was interesting to say the least.
After deciding I wanted this car, the guy was convinced I would never make it home, which was 50 miles natually I had to prove him wrong! :finga:
I hooked up the battery cables and got it to run with the factory two barrel, although it didnt always want to idle....good enough for me.
I then pulled out with power steering pump straped off to the side of the engine bay,with open headers, no dash lights, fuel and alt guages not reading, with one headlight, and no mufflers...... here we go I thought...hahaha By this time it was dark, and had a nice windy rd back down to the hwy with no pull offs. I was starting to feel confident and decided to see what the old 318 had left in her, so I let her breath a little on a straight stretch before the donward decent called cornelious pass.
Well immediately following the extra throttle exercise I am rewarded with a nice vibration coming from the rearend...... So I start taking it easy as I head down into the turns. As it died multiple times with no throttle applied downhill, I made it to the bottom with my girlfriend who was following me calling and saying I have sparks coming from underneath. So a few more miles I eneded up at a shell station to fill her up and to check out the situation, still with about 35 miles to go. I had the guy fill it up (It was in Oregon, they wont let you pump your own), just to make sure, as I procedded to crawl around underneath with a flashlight. I found the two pinion side caps of the U joint were seperating. (I'm guessing whoever put in the U-joint didint know what he was doing and left out the clips)
SO I had about 15 minutes to make it to an auto parts store before they all closed, as it was Sunday also.....
So I eased it to the road and just as I went to pull out, as easily as possible, you guessed it......she popped, so I had to strap the driveline up and push her back to a parking spot. I decided to take off in the girlfriends truck to see if we could beat the clock to the auto parts store....and sure enough we didnt make it.....So Our last chance was the auto parts store that was 20 miles away, which my girlfriend just happens to work at, that also stayed open until 9 on Sundays. I called and had them hide one under a bush outside for me as they were closing.
So we proceeded to flat tow for 20 miles until we got into town and I could change U joints in a Chevron Parking lot at 10:30 at night and drive the rest of the way home.

It was a journey but I called the guy back and told him I made it and he was impressed.......

...And now the build begins......:D