$250,000 for a Hemi Cuda

I thank it's redickulas...All that kinna crazy price gouge'in doez iz make guyz like U an me have ta pay out tha azz for parts for a solid daily drive'in Mopar!!...I have a small block, 66 dodge dart wagon...made 1,240 ov them...how many have U seen???...How much iz it worth??...How much would anybody pay for one???...I kan tell ya that when I buy a used part(if U find one) it will be steep...and why, becauze sum frikk'in idiot wit more money than sense paid a 1/4 million bucks for a Hemi cuda that will never see tha road...I'm sorry, but to me, a trailer queen iz juss a waste ov time, and when I see a Mopar unloaded at a cruize, I don't even go look, because usually tha owner iz 3 levels above an average mopar freek like myself, that builds, and drives hiz own car...and Not spent a fortune to make an impression on sumbody...Sorry, didn't meen ta vent on this, but I respect builders, and especially builders that do it all, and I feel thier cars are way above tha high dollar, non drivers, that wuz built by a resto shop for 100K...Juss me!!...REX :salut: