To Pee Or Not to Pee



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I have a job.

I work, they pay me.

I pay my taxes & the government
Distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, in my case,
I am required to pass a random urine test
(with which I have no problem).

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes
To people who don't have to pass a urine test.

So, here is my question:
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check
Because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT----doing drugs while I work.


Can you imagine how much money each state would save
If people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

I guess we could call the program "URINE OR YOU'RE OUT"!

Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.
Hope you all will pass it along, though.
Something has to change in this country - AND SOON!


P.S. Just a thought, all politicians should have to pass a urine test too!
Something wrong with us that work have to pass a drug test, to support those who don't work, and don't have to pass one.
Agree. Any major company hiring today will require a piss test. I say make them pee, and deduct the cost of the test from their first check!
I agree, but I believe the reason the government does not require this is to keep crime down. Take away the checks, and these people will find other ways to get money. And it probably won't be by working. It's not such an easy situation. I don't know what the solution should be, but the way it is right now is NOT the right way.
well first off it has been tried . Michigan passed a welfare reform bill when the Republicans took over under Engler in like 92 or so , problem was first they have to catch them then they have to give them the opportunity to get clean ,so guess who pays for them to go to rehab and counselling { never mind that these places are owned and operated by the same Republican supporters who came up with the testing idea in the first place because thats a different topic }since addiction is a disease once identified they are no longer lazy welfare bums they a sick addicts and entitled to SSI disability benefits {which pays a lot more than a basic welfare check } . End result is the lazy pot head { and they only catch the potheads cause coke and meth leave the body to soon after use to catch any but the dumbest }who was costing you a couple of hundred a month on welfare now costs a couple of thousand a month with most of it going into the pockets of the political cronies of the administration that creates the law. Welcome to America
Welcome to America

Wait...aren't you from Canada? Or maybe you meant "Welcome to North America"! All joking aside, as a job applicant or active duty military person you don't have civil liberties in this country, but as a welfare recipient you do. But wait…as active duty military (or National Guard) you receive money from the same government and they require random pee test? It’s all so confusing…maybe I should move to Canada where everybody is stoned! :toothy5:
The moochers are happy to take our money to buy drugs and food. This assures that they will vote for the politicians that will guarantee them a moocher lifestyle by taking from those of us that work.
Wait...aren't you from Canada? Or maybe you meant "Welcome to North America"! All joking aside, as a job applicant or active duty military person you don't have civil liberties in this country, but as a welfare recipient you do. But wait…as active duty military (or National Guard) you receive money from the same government and they require random pee test? It’s all so confusing…maybe I should move to Canada where everybody is stoned! :toothy5:

I spent 12 years in your country , married to a right wing christian republican ,as such I am very aware of how your system works , I paid taxes and SSI but will never receive a dime and never did while I was there , fortunately for you the Bush boys took you back to war as lets face it peace time military is really just another form of welfare eh ! So is any other non productive person who creates nothing of lasting value for society and gets a government cheque for it , as for every body being stoned well not all of us but we are much more focused on real problems instead of the stupid little things the government wants us to think are big problems ,like some pot head smoking a joint is some how a bigger problem than a government that kidnaps it's citizens out of airports and sends them to foreign lands to be tortured but you have your idea of what freedom is and we have ours .
we have hair folicle testing at my job. it goes back 3 months. Really brings out some peoples true colors, even though i wouldnt mind smoking a hog every now and again. We have had a few factories shut down here and i live in a small town between 2 towns that one has a population of around 7000 and the other about 5000 and my town has about 200. talk about people being on the TIT. and some people i know even strategize to stay on and are always looking for a new angle. it pisses me off.
You make sense, and I see your point. Just don't test me! The good old Governments nose is into too much now.
Yup, it was proposed here in Michigan for welfare bums to have to take a drug test. The NAACP was all over that claiming it is a violation of their civil rights. What about mine? I have to take a drug test to WORK.
I spent 12 years in your country , married to a right wing christian republican ,as such I am very aware of how your system works , I paid taxes and SSI but will never receive a dime and never did while I was there , fortunately for you the Bush boys took you back to war as lets face it peace time military is really just another form of welfare eh ! So is any other non productive person who creates nothing of lasting value for society and gets a government cheque for it , as for every body being stoned well not all of us but we are much more focused on real problems instead of the stupid little things the government wants us to think are big problems ,like some pot head smoking a joint is some how a bigger problem than a government that kidnaps it's citizens out of airports and sends them to foreign lands to be tortured but you have your idea of what freedom is and we have ours .
So stay out.
I used to rehab HUD housing. They have more tv's than we do. The eat better than us. There car costs more than my work truck. And they have more guns.
Yup, it was proposed here in Michigan for welfare bums to have to take a drug test. The NAACP was all over that claiming it is a violation of their civil rights. What about mine? I have to take a drug test to WORK.
Engler passed it and it was law , I was living in Lansing on the north side by Logan and Willow , next I knew there was rehab places popping up and all the welfare bums were trying to get caught so they could get SSI instead of welfare , remember he also killed single welfare and they cried but they all found jobs once the checks stopped , of course most got "hurt on the job" and went on comp and SSI pretty quick but they dropped the drug testing after about a year when the annual audits showed the real cost of the idea , which was my point before I got side tracked .
Engler passed it and it was law , I was living in Lansing on the north side by Logan and Willow , next I knew there was rehab places popping up and all the welfare bums were trying to get caught so they could get SSI instead of welfare , remember he also killed single welfare and they cried but they all found jobs once the checks stopped , of course most got "hurt on the job" and went on comp and SSI pretty quick but they dropped the drug testing after about a year when the annual audits showed the real cost of the idea , which was my point before I got side tracked .

I don't remember it becoming law, not saying it didn't just don't remember. I know it was proposed in the early 2000's and was shot down immediately for the reasons I mentioned.
I spent 12 years in your country , married to a right wing christian republican ,as such I am very aware of how your system works , I paid taxes and SSI but will never receive a dime and never did while I was there , fortunately for you the Bush boys took you back to war as lets face it peace time military is really just another form of welfare eh ! So is any other non productive person who creates nothing of lasting value for society and gets a government cheque for it , as for every body being stoned well not all of us but we are much more focused on real problems instead of the stupid little things the government wants us to think are big problems ,like some pot head smoking a joint is some how a bigger problem than a government that kidnaps it's citizens out of airports and sends them to foreign lands to be tortured but you have your idea of what freedom is and we have ours .

Wow. a little sensitive aren't we? Can't take a little ribbing? And you figured all this out because you lived in "my country" (as you called it) for 12 years, "married to a right wing christian republican". I love the way you slam the US military and compare them to "welfare reciepients" during peace time. That comment shows your complete ignorance of the United States Military and "our" country. I agree with green1..."STAY OUT"!
I know folks who live in government apartments, get food stamps, etc., They and their children absolutely hate living in that place. It's not much different from living in a jail. There is a surprise raid and inspection every few months.
Yes the raid finds 3 or 4 violations and empty those apartments for others who have been on long waiting lists.
( Here is what I think is the very most ironic part of it all..
At Christmas time the charity organizations give countless new bicycles to children who live in places where the bicycles aren't allowed. )
Residents of the other 200 +/- apartments are just regular folks. Some aren't able to work Others stand in long lines at job fairs and more trying to find work. They are prepared to pass a drug test.
When a young green polititian comes along with a desire to test everybody data is laid before them that proves it would be a waste of money and resources.
The vast majority of your crack heads aren't getting government assistance themselves. They are freeloading on grandparents and their social security income.
I'm not sensitive at all ,your the one with the name calling when I posted about Michigan trying this out in the nineties , I was refering to the inherent corruption of politicians passing laws that mandate social behavior and then paying their cronies to participate in the enforcement , as for staying out of your country that's a no brainer I've a great many good friend in the US but they prefer to visit Canada . A soldier without a war to fight is like a hooker without a hole if that touches a nerve because you prefer to see your self as something your not while cashing your government cheque well rock on buddy , there's two kinds of people in this world -those who work hard producing tangible lasting results for society and those who live off their efforts through taxes , mandated insurance ,and interest skimmed from our earnings , I know which one I am how about you .
Redfish I too have known many good people caught in a system designed to trap them ,but I think we can agree the good ones are trying to get out and move up to a better life for themselves and their children . I think this thread was directed more towards the ones who will never put out the effort to rise up and I'm sure you know some of those too .It's a shame the good ones get painted with the same brush especially in the current economy.
PS I'm still keeping an eye out for a couple of old rallye dash fuel guages to send you .