To Pee Or Not to Pee

well first off it has been tried . Michigan passed a welfare reform bill when the Republicans took over under Engler in like 92 or so , problem was first they have to catch them then they have to give them the opportunity to get clean ,so guess who pays for them to go to rehab and counselling { never mind that these places are owned and operated by the same Republican supporters who came up with the testing idea in the first place because thats a different topic }since addiction is a disease once identified they are no longer lazy welfare bums they a sick addicts and entitled to SSI disability benefits {which pays a lot more than a basic welfare check } . End result is the lazy pot head { and they only catch the potheads cause coke and meth leave the body to soon after use to catch any but the dumbest }who was costing you a couple of hundred a month on welfare now costs a couple of thousand a month with most of it going into the pockets of the political cronies of the administration that creates the law. Welcome to America