Joe's Garage

See? We told you not too worry too much about the house. Except for eating, pooping and sleeping, what else is it good for?


Roger that Grant! I suppose it does keep the dogzillas in check so they're not roaming the neighborhood and munching on toddlers too, lol.

I almost always have music on around the house/barn/garage/yard. I play alot of Frank. My children all grew up with his music in the background. While they do not have of their own Zappa albums, they do have their favorite songs. My oldest daughter was home from college last week, and asked if I would play "Call any Vegetable" off the Absolutly Free album for her. She said the week before she could not get the lyrics out of her head.

I've always loved music and almost always have something on in the background too. My family is very musically talented but I never got that gene, so I listen rather than play. :D

Well, it's snowing pretty good out, but last weekend I got the tops on the bench. I'm hoping for some better weather soon so I can attach the quarter round, bullnose the edges and get the first coat of poly on. :coffee2: