Emissions help

I can't resist entering this topic but I'll probably catch flack from both sides! :-) I too think it's ridiculous to make a '67 model pass an arbitrary emmission test when they were never designed to do so. That being said, it seems to me, that as an owner, you would want it to run more efficiently for better gas mileage and longer engine life. You're close enough on the readings that you should be able to tweak things to get under the limits. As for Dan's analogy to a safety inspection, it has about the same relevance. Accidents caused by preventable equipment failure is next to nothing in likelyhood....about the same as '67 model car causing air pollution.....like pissing in the ocean causing water pollution. If your right next to it....an annoyance maybe, but hardly anything to get anal over. Certainly nothing bad enough to force people to spend (waste) the kind of money needed to fund these programs.