Looking for overdrive trani advice for /6, please help

Ok, so this is not a science project as you first stated, but a refugee from the used car lot. Leaking oil with broken mounts...

Tune it up & fix the leaks. Put a pair of mounts in it. Drive it.

Disregard my other post. Any work like that is a waste of time in your case.


Hey, lighten up a little. He's young, inexperienced, wants to learn how to fix his car himself, and is asking for our help. A least he wants to fix an old A body and learn WHAT he is doing and WHY he is doing it.
He could be another one of those young mushheads that thinks putting a fart pipe on his ricer after he ties the suspension down so tight there isn't any, just to run wheels and tires that don't fit and shouldn't be used, "improving" his "ride".
I for one, appreciate that he is interested in the cars the rest of us here all love and want to preserve, and want to help him learn how.


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