Complete floor replacement advice

I used a spot weld cutter and a air chisel to take mine out .Some I wanted to save some I didn't so use accordingly. If your car is bare and the sills are good it won't move much anyways it's a pretty strong stucture.My car was totally bare and sitting on jack stands on my rotisserie.I had the jack stands across the front frame in front of the torsion bars and on the rear frame infront of the springs.Like mcnoople said beef up your torsion bars when the floor is out you can add bracing inside the frame there and really beef them up and it will be hidden.When I had my floor out I also added outriggers from my subframe connectors to the sills and added a bracket for the seats.I then cut my floor to fit around outriggers and frame connector and set it in and welded around them. Very solid nice looking job but probably a bit over kill for what you want .Don't have any pictures on this computer willl post some up later if I get a chance.