To Pee Or Not to Pee

I know folks who live in government apartments, get food stamps, etc., They and their children absolutely hate living in that place. It's not much different from living in a jail. There is a surprise raid and inspection every few months.
Yes the raid finds 3 or 4 violations and empty those apartments for others who have been on long waiting lists.
( Here is what I think is the very most ironic part of it all..
At Christmas time the charity organizations give countless new bicycles to children who live in places where the bicycles aren't allowed. )
Residents of the other 200 +/- apartments are just regular folks. Some aren't able to work Others stand in long lines at job fairs and more trying to find work. They are prepared to pass a drug test.
When a young green polititian comes along with a desire to test everybody data is laid before them that proves it would be a waste of money and resources.
The vast majority of your crack heads aren't getting government assistance themselves. They are freeloading on grandparents and their social security income.