Restoring my 1970 Duster

Hi there,

a long is time gone between my last posts, so such things were done:

floor paneel passanger side was welded in,
small rust pieces outside was cut out and new sheet metal pieces were welded in, trunk floor is "like" new, but I used a new gastank from a 65-Mustang, not the original one. I think thats better, because of the trunk is even with this...look at the pics.
Engine is put in pieces and has new colour, I think the orange combinated with a black colour will bring a good look at the end.
I will put it together after changing the freeze plugs and cleaning the water lines between the cylinders.
Backlight´s are overhault and got a seperate hole for the turn lights - this is law in Germany for cars after 1969, that turn signal lights light separatly from the brake lights...
Next will be to turn the car, so that I can work on the drivers side floor paneel ( my garage is too small ! ).

next informations for you came soon.
Greetings from Leipzig, Germany and have a good easter time !
