And so the hiding inside begins.....

That's wierd. I have a shaggy dawg that was abused, starved and then turned into the pound to get killed. He is very neurotic about me touching him and since he is an outside dawg he gets cockelburrs. I can get them out with a LOT less hair removal but he doesn't want me messing with him. He leaves the wads of hair with burrs laying around so I can see that he can do it himself. Took 4 years before he wouldn't piss all over himself when I touched him.

Poor guy. :sad:

That's sad someone could treat a dog like that

X2. Merlin in my avatar had a nylon rope embedded in his neck they had to surgically remove and a belly full of garbage. People suck, I prefer dogs.

Mine is afraid of thunder. Not cowering in the corner afraid, but more of a "I am going to bark until you stop", afraid. Nothing more funny then watching him run circles around the acreage, barking to high heaven in a thundering downpour. Neighbors must think we just don't care, but there is no way to drag him in until the show is over.


Maxi barks at the thunder too. :cheers:

There is one type of bug that dogs find very tasty. If they get a taste for this bug they can eat far too many and get very sick.
We once has a old male Husky who would brave the hot summer sun to eat a dozen or so yellow jackets then return to laying in the shade. Vet said the dog got a high off the stings through his tongue. Likely self medicating for artheritis pain.

Very interesting.... Maxi will chow on wasps too. I can always tell because she ends up with swollen lips. I just give her a benadryl and the swelling drops.