Where are RPM's parts for sale ???

I have been asked by a few people where all my great deals on recycled parts has gone. Yep, I am a slacker so far this year in passing good used parts on to all of you. However, it is not intentional. Truth be known I am elbow deep in a pile of vintage 1920's-1960's car parts that some of you may have seen the thread i started on. So my spare time is quite occupied with getting that stuff moved. That and I have been working on and preparing for 3 swap meets that come up in a row. Had one last weekend, one this weekend and the big Portland Oregon Swap next week. Rest assured.... I will have more quality parts and prices coming back to my a-body bretheren. In the mean time.... if ya are needing something..give me a shout... it might be on my shelves.

Now... I just need to find time to work on the ol Duster for all the Spring car shows.... I need to clone myself... only better looking and more effecient.

Keep smiling peoples... hot rod season is happening !