She's a Goner.

Hey guys,

Want to know why I haven't been on this forum in months? Other than the fact my computer crapped the bed on me and the fact I don't have the extra money to go out and buy another one, my Plymouth was (I typed IS 1st..=/) running perfect.

I had the best of intentions for this car, in fact it saved myself and my wife's life after we got rear-ended on Interstate 15 out here by a moron driving 85+ and we were only going 50MPH in the left hand lane because traffic was stopped in all the other lanes. Because of the car's forgiving steering, I was able to pull the car away from hitting the Jersey barrier and flipping over into oncomming traffic. If my wife wasn't yelling at me to pull over, I would've never have woken up from being blacked out either. Of course there's no damage on the Valiant and the idiot's brand new Altima was mangled. Ironic I started that post a few months ago about our slants being safe, eh?

Anyways I wanted to ship this car home to Rhode Island where I was going to register her as an antique, take her to car shows with my brother in law who has a '75 and eventually give her to my children when they were older.

Well as John Lennon once said "Life happens when you're busy making other plans." Hell yes it does. See I had all my ducks lined up - I was going to transfer to the Sears Auto Center in Rhode Island where I'd be making substantially more money working behind the counter (Since I have more than enough experience at that.) and we were going to sell our '91 Volvo 240 to pay to ship the Plymouth out East and man stuff was going perfect.

.....Then IT happened.

My wife had never been to the Hoover Dam before and we had the day off together (finally) yesterday. I was more than willing to drive the Valiant out there and check out something absolutely amazing. Yeah, well....Maybe I shouldnt've. We were driving on the highway and about 30 minutes into driving, it felt like I was towing a boat. Before I could even register what was happening to the car, I heard a squeak (Like an alternator squeak.) POP and WEEEEEE!!! No transmission power! Yep! The car won't drive in any gear! I looked underneath the car and it looks like the driveshaft has completely separated from the output shaft of the transmission. I started bawling my eyes out because I knew the car was finished. We (My wife and I) simply don't have the money to fix whatever the hell happened to the car because all the shops out here in Vegas are run by huge corporations and the "Cheapest" shop I found's labour rate is $100 an hour AND (lol) AND they charge $35 JUST to look at the damned car! Ahahaha...

Ironically I haven't had the other person's insurance company come out and look at the car yet primarily because they're a P.I.T.A. to get in touch with. I do have a lawyer and I am suing the driver who rear-ended my wife and I because I wound up with two pretty decent sized bulging disks, thankfully still small enough where operation wasn't necessary. The moron's insurance company sent me a letter 2 days ago saying they've been trying to get in touch with me to get an adjuster to come look at my car, but I didn't notice this noise when we 1st talked to our lawyer and said what was up with the car. I did notice though that my wife had been saying for the past month (Almost since the accident.) that the car has been "Sounding really loud" . See I rarely drive the car since she loves/loved driving it so much. Do you guys think a rear-end impact could cause damage to the driveshaft/and/or transmission or no, and the car is just a goner?