She's a Goner.

I used to work for a large Auto insurance Company,
Threaten to report them to the "D.O.I." (Department Of Insurance)

You can threaten with lawyers all you want and they won't be in any hurry
To settle...... But report their butts to the D.O.I. And it scares the crap out of them and they will want to settle right away at whatever the cost. For them it's like having the IRS sniffing up their rearend. The D.O.I. Will show up unexpectedly and stop all operations for as long as it takes to sort out the issues reported. It costs them huge amounts of money for business lost while business is at a halt. The insurance companies are heavily regulated and are forced to conform to the D.O.I's rules or face an investigation, fines and or even forced sale or shutdown for illegal practices.

Anyway, try threatening them with the D.O.I, and if they don't move quickly enough, then you and or your lawyer contact the D.O.I and watch how fast they come crawling to you....