Oil change help

Pound a big screwdriver all the way through filter and unscrew it.
Works every time.:D but a bit messier.

I've had to do this screwdrive trick or very large channel locks. I've done many an oil change when I was in automotive. My Dad (the Dealership Manager) used to say, "Oil Filters & Oil Drain Plugs don't hold the engine together". Keep in mind a good trick when installing the filter is put some clean motor oil on the "O" ring, spin on until it seats and than tighten by hand. I have never had one loosten off or leak.

The drain plug has a tourque but, the same rule applies...snug, it's not holding the engine in the car. Always, always check or replace the oil drain plug gasket. Check the gasket seating surface on the oil pan & under the head of the oil drain plug.

Spend the money on a good metal band type oil filter wrench with a swivel handle. I've had little or no luck with the type that "cup" over the bottom of the filter. Especialy if King Kong put the filter on last.

Last resort...cutting tourch...just kidding :coffee2:
