Just bein' GOLDIE!

Thats good to hear. Mine is such a slow progress. I don't think she will see the road this year, the way things are going. I have the transmission, brakes, leaf springs, shocks, front suspension and the carb have all been rebuillt or replaced. The 273 runs great, I did upgrade to electronic ignition but still have the dual point to re-install if this doesn't work out. I need to replace the passenger side floor pan, remove the dash and do a lot of rust control. For the most part, the underneath is complete, so hopefully the interior will start soon. I did return to work part time so that takes some time, plus with spring and having a home there is always something to do.
Perhaps one day I will have mine looking as good as yours. We will have to meet up and let the twins spend some time together. I know your car gets looks around Atlanta, what if there were two of them cruising together, That would be a site.
I had better go finish the new walkway before my wife gets back so I'll chat with you soon.