OMG...Lifter tapping??

Didn't make it to the shop on Monday because, I had to go to the emergency room and was admitted for emergency surgery. They had to remove my gall bladder. I had a 20cm gall stone. Hell I think that's bigger then one of my balls. Anyway, got home Tuesday but on the way home had the wife stop for a can of CD2. Always thinkin about my girls. Poured it in and ran the car for 20 minutes, and damn if the noise didn't go away. I've run the car, not driven it 5 times (20 minutes each) since then and it sounds better then it has in a LONG time. I've even rived her up a good bit. I gues the Mopar Gods felt sorry for me. I'll keep my ears and ears open but right now I'm a happy kinda Mopar guy.

Any feedback appreciated.

Thx all.


did you buy the CD2 oil detergent or oil treatment?? i hope that you are feeling better !!