FRUSTRATED! need help with carrier swap

If they are stock axles then there shouldn't be any problem getting them in following the directions above. However it sounds like you have gotten one axle in and the other will not go.....same problem I had before I had mine cut. I can't remember how much mine lacked before the axle would seat but you want to cut off a little more than not enough. I believe it was the same amount as yours since I went with 3/8" off each axle. Unless you want to make two trips to the machine shop. lol

Anyone with a horizontal bandsaw that uses the milky coolant will work. That type bandsaw has a clamp on it to hold the axle straight as it slowly cuts through. Notice the end of the axles how they are tapered at the splines. You want the axles to be the same way before installing them. I want you know that the Yukons was too long. I believe Yukon has corrected this problem now.